Alton Jaeger Guard Field Music
Alton Jaeger Fife and Drum Corps
The Alton Jaeger Fife and Drum Corps is a 501-C Non-Profit Organization dedicated to accurately representing Field Musicians of the American Civil War.
The Fife and Drum Corps is a seperate entity from the Alton Jaeger Guards, although they are affiliated and the Guards serve as Color Guards and assist the Corps in other ways. The Corps participates in parades, presentations, and re-enactments/living history events, providing the sights and sounds of the Civil War. Currently the Alton Jaeger Guards has five full time musicians, two drummers and three fifers. Our musicians are located in Illinois and Missouri, and practice once a month in Alton, Illinois, on the Mississippi River. |
If you would like to book the Alton Jaeger Fife and Drum Corps for your event; Or if you have questions, or would like to join the Corps, please contact us using the form below.
The Alton Jaeger Guards are always looking for interested musicians.
Don't have an instrument? Don't know how to play? No problem! The Alton Jaeger Guard Fife and Drum Corps is comprised of experienced musicians that can assist you in learning your instrument. The Corps also owns several drums for members to use. Fledgling musicians should own their own practice pad and sticks (if drumming), and their own fife if pursuing the fife. Please reach out to us if you are interested in becoming a Field Musician with the Alton Jaeger Guards! |